Promoting the Use of Native Plant Species in the Home Landscape

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American Crabapple

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Malus coronaria

Flower Description:

Flowers are pink turning to white with age and are fragrant when blooming in spring. The flower is star shaped with 4-5 petals. Groups of 2-6 flowers each 1-1.75 inches across. Apples are small, .75-1.5 across, yellowish at maturity, juicy and sour.

Season BloomSpring
HabitatThe Crabapple is a small tree with a broad, open crown. It prefers a sunny spot with moist, loamy soil. The fruit is bitter and can be used to make preserves. Wildlife use the tree for food, cover, and nesting. Note: plant at least 500 feet from Cedars!
Leaf DescriptionThe leaf is simple and green arranged alternate on the branch. The shape is elliptical and lanceolate, 1.5-3 inches long and .75-2 inches wide, and coarsely toothed.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Sun