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Paper Birch

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Betula papyrifera

Flower Description:

Flowers are wind pollinated catkins with male and female flowers on the same tree. Make catkins are 2-3 3/4 inches long; female catkins are 1/2-1 inch long. They develop in the fall as pressed and compact and open the following spring.

Season BloomApril-May
HabitatPaper Birch is an iconic northwoods tree. It is an early emergent species as it likes plenty of sun, water, and space to grow. Short-lived with a multitude of uses especially by native Americans for baskets, cradles, and canoes. Its bark and logs are valued for their beauty. High value for birds and wildlife as well as its beautiful white bark against evergreens.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are egg-shaped, alternate, and simple usually in clusters of twos or threes. 2-3 1/2 inches long and 1 1/4 to 1 1/4 to 2 1/3 inches wide. Edges are irregularly serrated. Leaves turn yellow in the fall.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Partial Shade, Sun