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Red Oak

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Quercus rubra

Flower Description:

Flower is a catkin and appears just before or with new leaves. Fruit is an acorn with a shallow cap. The brown acorn is round, almost 1″ long, with a flat, thick, saucer like cap and grows singularly or in pairs.

Season BloomSpring
HabitatBest known for its brilliant autumn color. It is both long-lived and relatively fast growing. Prefers slightly acidic soil but is drought tolerant and can grow in loamy, moist, sandy, well drained and clay soils. Acorns provide food for wildlife.
CyclePerennial woody
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are smooth, 2.75- 6.25" long. Five-9 lobes extend more than half of the distance to the mid-rib. Upper surface is glossy green, secondary veins are raised. Bristle-tipped leaves turn scarlet red in autumn.
Soil Type All Types
Light Source Sun