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Swamp White Oak

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Quercus bicolor

Flower Description:

Male and female flowers are borne on separate catkins on current year branchlets. Fruit is an acorn.

Season BloomJune
HabitatSwamp Oak is a long-lived tree. Often used as a shade tree in lawns, its leaves are attractive and it provides cover for birds and mammals. The acorns are important food for wildlife. Attracts both birds and butterflies. Larval host for the Edwards Hairstreak.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are broad and ovoid, 4.75-7" long and 2.75-4.25 wide. They are shallowly lobed with 5-7 lobes on each side. Leaves turn brown or yellow-brown in fall, but are not remarkable,
Soil Type All Types
Light Source Sun