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Yellow Birch

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Betula alleghanienisi

Flower Description:

Flowers are wind pollinated catkins which open in late spring. Catkins are 2-4 ” long in clusters of 3-6 on old growth wood.

Season BloomApril-May
HabitatLargest of the birch family. Individual trees have a candelabra form, white forested trees are narrower. On mature trees the bronze bark peels in papery shreds and can appear as like fringe on chaps along the side of the tree.
CyclePerennial woody
Height72-100 '
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are alternate, simple and elliptical, 4-6 inches long and half as wide. Heart=shaped with a double toothed margin. Dull green above and yellow-green on the underside.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Partial Shade