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Common Juniper

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Juniperus commuis

Flower Description:

Fragrant foliage, may be a shrub or small tree. Typically found in dry, rocky, wooded hillsides or exposed slopes. Flowers are dioecious, with male and female on separate plants. Flowers are wind pollinated. Birds eat the fleshy cones and disperse seeds.

Season BloomApril
HabitatNative habitat is rocky slopes in coniferous forests of mountains and plains.
Leaf DescriptionAwl-shaped leaves are sharply pointed and spreading at a wide angle from the base, in whorls of three. Needles last on plant for three years before shedding. Gray-green to blue green in summer turning yellow-green in winter.
Soil Type Dry
Light Source Sun