Promoting the Use of Native Plant Species in the Home Landscape

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Dune Grass or Beach Grass

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Ammophilia breviligulata

Flower Description:

Leafy, spreading, strongly rhizomatous grass, producing up to of 100 stems per clump annually. This cool season perennial grass species will spread up to 6-10 feet annually by subsurface rhizomes. Best time to plant is from October 1 to March 30.

Season BloomJuly - August
HabitatPredominant plant species utilized along the Great Lakes coastlines for initial stabilization of frontal sand dunes. It has also been utilized on extreme, non-dune sites, some having high salinity levels and droughty conditions, for erosion control and initial cover.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves have deeply furrowed upper surfaces and smooth undersides. The long narrow leaves may become rolled or folded when exposed to intense heat, excessive sunlight, or dry winds.
Soil Type Dry
Light Source Sun
LocationShoreline, Woodland