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Indian Grass

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Sorghastrum nuntas

Flower Description:

Flowering occurs in late summer. The tiny, yellow to bronze-colored flowers occur on moderately dense clusters held above the foliage. The flowers are wind pollinated.

Season BloomAugust - October
HabitatBeautiful grass with a somewhat metallic golden sheen to its flowering parts. It is an important associate in the tallgrass prairies and is relished by livestock. It appears to be favored by occasional flooding and repeated burning and sometimes forms nearly pur stands in the lowlands. Warm-season grass with rich gold-and-purple sprays of flowers and seeds in the fall. Larval host to the Pepper-and-Salt Skipper butterfly. Deer Resistant.
Leaf DescriptionThe green leaves are up to 2' long and 1/4" wide. Fall color can vary from yellow o orange.
Soil Type All Types
Light Source Shade, Partial Shade, Sun