Promoting the Use of Native Plant Species in the Home Landscape

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Side-oats Grama

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Bouteloua curtipendula

Flower Description:

Small bright purple and orange flowers are especially attractive when the grass blooms. Deer Resistant. Plant in Spring to Early Summer.

Season BloomApril - August
HabitatCharming warm-season grass with small oat-like seeds that dangle along one side of the stalk. Combine it effectively with other low-growing grasses and flowers in a meadow landscape in well-drained sand to loam soils. Sideoats Grama is a larval host plant for several Skipper butterflies and moths.
Leaf DescriptionThe leaves are light green to blue-green in color, and up to 6mm across.
Soil Type Dry
Light Source Sun