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Soft Rush, Common Rush

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Juncus effusus

Flower Description:

Small greenish or brownish flower in dense spikes or heads or sometimes in loose clusters or even solitary.

Season BloomJuly - September
HabitatThe soft, grass-like stems of this strictly wetland plant are in clumps and each bears clusters of very small, greenish-brown, scaly flowers, the clusters diverging from one point on the side of the stalk near the top. This common marsh plant is one of many rushes, most of which are found in wet soil or water. Muskrats feed on the rootstalks, and birds find shelter among the stems.
Leaf DescriptionMostly grass-like leaves, usually in a basal tuft.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Sun