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Jacob’s Ladder

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Polemonium reptans, Jacob's Ladder

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Polemonium reptans

Flower Description:

Light blue flowers on slender stalks in open clusters at the end of stems arising from leaf axils in the upper part of the plant. Flowers are about 2/3″ across when fully open, bell-like with 5 oval petals that may be slightly pointed and have somewhat wavy edges. The 5 stamens are shorter than the petals and tipped with large white anthers.

Season BloomMay - July
HabitatPart shade, shade; moist rich soils
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are compound, alternately attached with leaflets opposite or alternate. Lower leaves have long stalks and up to 17 leaflets, upper leaves become shorter stalked with fewer leaflets and simple leaves at branch tips.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Partial Shade