Promoting the Use of Native Plant Species in the Home Landscape

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Solomon Seal

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Polygonatum biflorum

Flower Description:

Flowers are whitish green and hang in pairs along the underside of the stem. They are tubular bell-shaped flowers. Blue berries follow the flowers. The flowers and berries attract butterflies and birds.

FamilyButchers Broom
Season BloomSpring
HabitatQuite similar to Downey Solomon Seal, except larger and no hairs on stems. Prized for its graceful arching stems with dangling, cream-colored flowers in spring, followed by deep blue berries in late summer and fall. The tall arching stems add unique structural interest in the woodland garden and survive all summer long. A rhyme to help differentiate between the Solomon Seals "Solomon Seal is real when the flowers are along the keel".
Leaf DescriptionThe plant stem is arched and has alternating oviate leaves noticeable by their veins. The plants survive the summer and are attractive in the shade garden.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Partial Shade