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Yellow Trout Lily

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Erythronium americanum

Flower Description:

A yellow flower with six petals that curve back on themselves and six bronze or orange stamens.

Season BloomSpring
HabitatAlso called Dogtooth Violet and Adder's Tongue. Trout Lily is named for its spotted leaves that look like a brown or brook trout in the water. Another of our fantastic spring flowers of the woods. Trout Lily are clonal plants. They grow in clusters of single leaf plant colonies. A two leafed plant will emerge and produce a flower. A myrmecochorous plant, ants help disperse the seeds and reduce seed predation.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are one to two long-oval shaped green leaves with marron-mottled spots.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Partial Shade