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Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Veronia fasiculata

Flower Description:

Flat-topped or dome-shaped clusters up to 4″ across at the top of the plant, and smaller clusters arising from upper leaf axils. Clusters are made up of a few of many flower heads. Each head is made up of 10 to 30 tubular purple flowers with 5 narrow spreading lobes, a split style with curved tips.

Season BloomJuly - September
HabitatSun; moist soil; low prairies, ditches, marshes, along shores
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are long and narrow, to 6" long and 1 3/4" wide, tapering to sharp point at the tip with small sharply pointed teeth around the edges, and are stalkless.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Sun
LocationShoreline, Rain Garden, Woodland