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Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Helenium autumnale, Sneezeweed

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Helenium autumnale

Flower Description:

Branching clusters of up to 100 stalked flowers at the top of the plant. Flowers are 1 – 2″ across with 10 – 15 bright yellow petals (ray flowers), each with 3 shallow lobes at the tip. The large center disk is globular, yellow to brownish.

Season BloomAugust - October
HabitatSun; moist fields, swamps, along shores
Leaf DescriptionBasal leaves are variably shaped and wither away by flowering time. Stem leaves are 3-6" long, 1/2 to 1" wide, widest above the middle, pointed at the tip, with irregular, widely spaced teeth and no leaf stalk.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Partial Shade, Sun