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Yellow Coneflower

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Ratibida pinnata

Flower Description:

Daisy-like composite flowers with yellow drooping pedals, up to 13. The florets are 1-1.5″ across and is centered with a raised head that begins light green or gray and turns dark brown.

Season BloomEarly-late summer
HabitatEasy to grow and robust, can tolerate a variety of conditions, will flop with too much soil nutrition and moisture. Attracts many bee, wasp, beetle and small butterflies. Host of the Silvery Checkerspot butterflies and two moth species, Wavy-Lined Emerald and Common Eupithecia. Goldfinches eat the seed.
Leaf DescriptionLong, ridged, slender stems. Irregularly shaped leaves, divided into 3-7 lobes. Smooth edges and up to 8" long and 5" across.
Soil Type Wet
Light Source Sun