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Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Bearberry

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Flower Description:

Flowers are tiny and pink or white with pink tinges. They are oval in shape constricted at the mouth then flaring into 5 spreading lobes. Flowers form in clusters of 5-10 at the end of branches. The flowers form small red berries.

FamilyHeath (Ericaceae)
Season BloomSpring, early summer
HabitatA low, creeping shrub of the dunes and dry woodland edges in partial sun. It is evergreen in the tough, dry, harsh conditions of the dunes. Behaves well in a landscaped setting as well. Can be used for eroding control on steep slopes.
Leaf DescriptionLeaves are small, smooth, leathery, and shiny on the upper side. They are green year-round and are rounded at the terminal ends but tapering toward the base.
Soil Type Dry
Light Source Partial Shade, Sun