Promoting the Use of Native Plant Species in the Home Landscape

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Fragrant Sumac, Aromatic Sumac, Lemon Sumac

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Rhus aromatica

Flower Description:

Yellowish catkin-like flowers precede dark-red berries which persist into March.

Season BloomApril - June
HabitatIn spring, fragrant sumac flowers appear before the foliage. This shrub turns fall colors of red, yellow and orange. The flower is a nectar source for adult butterflies. Fragrant sumac colonizes to form thickets and looks best wen planted en mass or in drift-like plantings as it occurs in nature. It is fast growing, generally pest and disease-free, and drought-tolerant. Colonies are often single-sexed, formed from a single, suckering parent. Only female plants produce flowers and berries. The berries are winter food for small animals and birds such as a Townsends Solitaires. Larval Host to Red-banded hairstreak butterfly.
Leaf DescriptionGlossy, somewhat blue-green, coarsely toothed, trifoliate leaves turn orange, red, purple and yellow in the fall.
Soil Type All Types
Light Source Shade, Partial Shade, Sun