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Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Juniperus communis

Flower Description:

Coniferous plant, between 50-67 species of juniper are widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Bloom color is yellow.

Season BloomApril
HabitatUsually a spreading low shrub, sometimes forming broad or prostrate clumps; rarely a small tree with an open irregular crown. Acid soil, alkaline soil, full sun. Prefers open, sunny locations in light, sandy to well-drained soils, pH adaptable. Juniper berries are food for wildlife, especially grouse, pheasants, and bobwhites. They are an ingredient in gin, producing the distinctive aroma and tang.
Leaf DescriptionAwl-shaped leaves are sharply pointed and spreading at a wide angle from the base, in whorls of three. Needles last on plant for 3 years before shedding. Gray-green to blue green in summer turning yellow-green in winter.
Soil Type Dry
Light Source Sun
LocationShoreline, Woodland