Flowers are yellow and numerous, about 1″ wide. They have 5 petals with block dots on each petal and many long, protruding stamens.
Family | Clusiaceae |
Season Bloom | July - August |
Habitat | The species and common names honor Peter Kalm, a student of Linnaeus, who discovered the plant in America around 1750. This is one of several shrubby St.-Johns-worts, many species are found throughout the South. |
Cycle | Perennial |
Height | 1-3' |
Leaf Description | Leaves are in pairs and opposite each other. They are stalkless and toothless with tiny translucent dots that may be seen by holding a leaf up to the light. Bark is papery, peeling when older. |
Soil Type | Dry |
Light Source | Sun |
Location | Rain Garden, Woodland |