Promoting the Use of Native Plant Species in the Home Landscape

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Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Amorpha canescens

Flower Description:

Tiny, purple flowers grouped together in colorful, terminal spikes.

Season BloomJune - July
HabitatThis is one of the most conspicuous and characteristic shrubs of the upland prairies. It has very deep roots, 4' or deeper. The genus name, from the Greed amorphos (formless or deformed), alludes to the fact that the flower, with only a single petal (the banner or standard), is unlike the typical pea flowers of the family. Special value to Native Bees.
Leaf DescriptionPinnately compound leaves are covered with short, dense hairs, giving the plant a grayish appearance.
Soil Type Dry
Light Source Partial Shade, Sun