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Shrubby Cinquefoil

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Dasiphora fructicosa

Flower Description:

Dense, bushy shrub with upright, slender branches. Produces bright yellow flowers for most of the growing season.

Season BloomMay - June
HabitatLow, rounded shrub, 3-4' high and equally as wide. Fall color is insignificant and leaves may or may not be evergreen depending on locality. Full sun, partial sun/shade, dry soil, moist, well-drained soil. Attracts butterflies.
Leaf DescriptionAlternate; compound, pinnate leaves with 3 - 7 leaflets per leaf. Leaflets are elliptic and linear. Leaves emerge a soft grey-green and deepen to a medium to dark green mid summer.
Soil Type All Types
Light Source Partial Shade, Sun
LocationShoreline, Woodland