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Smooth Rose, Early Wild Rose

Plant Leaf

Full Plant

Plant Berry/Flower

Latin Name: Rosa blanda

Flower Description:

Five-petaled flowers are pale pink to white.

Season BloomJune - August
HabitatThis is a thornless or near-thornless rose with blunt leaflets and smooth stems with a whitish bloom. Tall with a dense, mounded habit. Spreads vigorously by root suckers once established. The hips are an excellent source of vitamin C. Special Value to Native Bees, Bumble Bees. Larval host for the Apple Sphinx Moth caterpillar.
Leaf DescriptionThe upper stems and the new growth are smooth. Broad-rounded to arching-mounded, it spreads to form patches, making it a good choices for naturalizing in larger areas.
Soil Type Dry
Light Source Sun
LocationShoreline, Woodland